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Upcoming book-to-film adaptations

Friends of Warren Library

Reading has been the thing getting us through lockdown, and as lockdown eases we have hope that we will be able to slowly return to normal activities over the coming months. Luckily there are some excellent movies—adapted from excellent novels—slated between now and Christmas, and if the dates don't change for theatrical releases we may even leave the house to watch a movie in a theater (watching Emma in a theater back in the spring seems like ancient history now).

Either way, we plan to add all of the below to our watch list and to our TBR pile.



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The city of Warren has 4 Libraries: 

Civic Center Library: 586-751-0770  -  Arthur Miller Branch: 586-751-5377  -  Dorothy Busch Branch: 586-353-0580  -  Maybelle Burnette Branch: 586-353-0579

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