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Stephenie Meyer: “Midnight Sun,” tiny type & a YA obsession

Friends of Warren Library

At long last, the book Twilight fans have been waiting for, Midnight Sun, has released. In this novel we see the events of Twilight from an entirely new perspective: Edward's.  We learn where he goes and what he does in the unseen moments of Twilight’s narrative. Most powerful of all, readers see, through his thoughts and actions, the intensity of Edward’s desire for Bella and how it clashes with his nearly overwhelming need to protect her, even from himself.

There are two sides to every story and we’ve long had Bella’s—now, thanks to Midnight Sun, we can see the whole picture.



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The city of Warren has 4 Libraries: 

Civic Center Library: 586-751-0770  -  Arthur Miller Branch: 586-751-5377  -  Dorothy Busch Branch: 586-353-0580  -  Maybelle Burnette Branch: 586-353-0579

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