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Muppets Fans - Check out BOOK REVIEW Muppets Meet the Classics: The Phantom of the Opera

Friends of Warren Library

Story line:

What do you get when you cross the Muppets and the classics? A monster hit! Join Kermit, Miss Piggy, Uncle Deadly, and the other Muppets as they bring this tale of mystery and suspense to life in their own way.

This tale of love, intrigue, and jealousy at the Paris Opera House, has now been reimagined with the cast of the Muppets. Kermit (as Raoul), Miss Piggy (as Christine), Uncle Deadly (as the phantom), and the chickens (as the ballet corps) give a whole new meaning to the word "classic.

Avid reader Chelsea Gouin gives this book

4 out of 5 stars.

Well this was a delight!

A retelling of the novel The Phantom of the Opera with all the most popular Muppets as the famous characters. While Piggy and Kermit were of course Christine and Raoul, it was a nice touch with Uncle Deadly as the Phantom, Mama Fiama as Madame Giry, Janice as Sorelli, and Gonzo as the Daroga to round out our cast.

Erik Forrest Jackson found a perfect balance of Muppet humor while still maintaining true to the spirit and plot of the original Leroux novel. An odd mixture for sure, but it just works so well. I still felt for Uncle Deadly's pining for love and to not be feared for his monstrous appearance. There were some more modern references peppered in, including an Ariana Grande and Elvis Presley statue on the rooftop, they still built an authentic Opera House to play in. I especially enjoyed the "Carnival Under the Opera House" which served as the Phantom's lair.

I think both fans of the Phantom or fans of the Muppets will enjoy this quirky mashup. Heart and humor are the driving force in this narrative. For younger or older readers to fall in love with the story of a creature just wanted to find acceptance.



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